Reflection and Hope

Our society too often supports decisions made for instant gratification with little regard for long term effects on ourselves or others. At Birthright, however, we encourage our guests to take their time and reflect on the lifelong repercussions of their actions.

We are a group who cares deeply about those in our community struggling with facing an unplanned pregnancy. Together, we offer a peaceful place where each pregnant guest can contemplate all aspects of her decision. Without pressure, she is offered information about various resources available to help her parent, and adoption if she wishes. We give her emotional support to do what she feels in her heart and the practical support that allows her to see the long term possibility of choosing life.

When guests come to us having made the decision to parent their child, they appreciate the steadfast support our Birthright family offers. Many don’t have someone to give hand-me-downs for their little ones. Many aren’t asked about their difficulties and joys of parenting. Many don’t have someone to informally mentor and encourage them as parents and individuals. Setting goals and imagining long term happiness is too often missing from our guests’ lives.

Inspiring reflection and hope for our guests’ and their children is truly Birthright’s greatest gift.

Thank you for your continued support for all who seek the unconditional love that is Birthright.

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